
The City of McCleary receives power from Bonneville Power Administration via a single feed, feeding two sub-stations that step down power for distribution to homes and businesses.

If you require a new electrical connection, fill out the New Service Form below and the Light and Power crew will provide an estimate for you.

There is a $138.00 application fee for this.

The following link will take you to an Energy Cost Calculator. This tool will allow you to see an estimate of what appliances use for energy consumption and the cost of said consumption.* - https://www.calculatorology.com/energy-cost-calculator/  (the calculator rates are NOT the city rates*)

The calculator uses the following formulas - 

Calculation of energy consumption

E (kWh/day) = P (W) x t (h/day) / 1000 (W/kW). It means that the energy in Kilowatt-hours is calculated by the power in watts multiplied by the number of hours’ usage, dividing the result by 1000 watts per kilowatts.

Calculation of energy cost

Cost ($/day) = E (kWh/day) x Cost (cent/kWh) / 100 (cent/$). It means that the energy cost in dollars per day is calculated by multiplying the power consumption in Kilowatt-hours per day by the energy cost of one Kilowatt-hours in (Cent / kWh) and then dividing the result by 100 cents per dollar.

Title Attachments
2023 Light and Power Rates